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Workload Analysis
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Cognition > Workload - 2 of 5

Subjective Workload Analysis

Subjective rating scales are the most widely used workload assessment tools. The advantages of subjective workload assessments are ease of implementation, low cost, and limited intrusion on task performance. They are also useful in evaluating the potential for task overload among competing interface designs. They can be applied during the design process with mock-ups, prototypes, and simulators, as well as to assess workload on existing systems. These questionnaires or rating scales are filled out by the worker and target the worker's personal estimation of workload. Two subjective rating tools frequently used in aviation and other safety-critical environments are:

  • NASA-TLX - The NASA Task Load Index (TLX) incorporates six subscales: mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, performance, effort level, and frustration level.
  • SWAT - The Subjective Workload Assessment Techniques (SWAT) has subscales assessing loads for time, mental effort, and psychological stress.
Sample NASA-TLX Scores


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